Have your say in your way to help shape our community!

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Consultation has concluded

Note that the Have your say in your way to help shape our community has been extended to 31 July 2023.

Social justice means something different to everyone. During March – June 2023, Georges River Council is hosting four separate Your Say opportunities and corresponding launch events. Each Your Say opportunity will highlight one of the four Principles of the Social Justice Charter, including Participation, Equity, Respect, and Empowerment. The first opportunity focused on participation – it was released in March 2023 and is still available for contributions here.

This is the second of the four opportunities. It focuses on the principle of equity. Council aims to champion equity for all in our community by ensuring that everyone has fair and balanced access to opportunities, resources, information, facilities and services. Let us know ways we can champion equity for you and others you know in our community:

  • Why is equity in community life important to you?
  • What barriers exist for you and your community in accessing and using public spaces, Council venues, services and programs? (eg physical, financial, digital, language, or safety barriers)
  • How can Council communicate information and opportunities to participate more effectively?
  • How can Council make it easier for you to learn about, access, and get involved in events, services and programs?

You can contribute your thoughts and suggestions via the Message Board at the bottom of this page.

Or if you would like to get creative and find new ways to make contributions to the Message Board that feel authentic and true to you, we will be hosting two special events – one at GRYFest which celebrates Youth Week and one at Hurstville Library which celebrates the Seniors in our community.

There will be staff on hand at each event to help with how to use Your Say and opportunities to learn about Council’s Youth Advisory Committee (at GRYFest) and Council's new Seniors Advisory Committee (at Hurstville Library).

Event Details and Registration

Have your say in your way at GRYFest

Come down to Penshurst Park Sporting Hub to celebrate Youth Week and to learn how you can participate in shaping our community.

Take the opportunity to express your thoughts and ideas in your own unique way. Don’t feel limited by traditional methods of providing feedback – get creative and find new ways to express yourself. As part of Council’s Social Justice Charter launch, Council will be hosting a stall at GRYFest with activities such as vox pops and badge making to help you have your say in a way that feels authentic and true to you.

Whether you’re a student, an artist, a migrant, or just passionate about making a difference, this is your chance to bring attention to the important issues that matter to you.

Meet some of the members of Council’s Youth Advisory Committee and learn how you can get involved. Contribute your suggestions to Council’s Your Say platform to tell us how you think we can build a better future for Georges River.

Where: Penshurst Park Sporting Hub

When: 3pm-6pm, Friday 21 April

Cost: Free, bookings essential

Calling all Seniors - Have your say in your way to help shape our community

Come down to Hurstville Library to enjoy a lovely lunch and learn how you can participate in shaping our community.

Learn about Council’s new Seniors Advisory Committee and how you can get involved. Meet new friends and learn about some of the Seniors Programs that Council supports throughout the LGA.

Discover Hurstville Library’s Media Lab and Sound Booth and learn how you can use these free resources to help you express your thoughts and ideas in your own unique way. There’ll be staff on hand to help you record your thoughts and suggestions via video or sound recordings and contribute them to Council’s online Your Say platform.

Whether you’re an artist, grandparent, volunteer, migrant or just passionate about making a difference, this is your chance to bring attention to the important issues that matter to you. Get creative and find new ways to express yourself that feel authentic and true to you.

Where: Hurstville Library, 12-22 Dora St, Hurstville

When: 12pm-2pm, Thursday 27 April

Cost: Free (Lunch provided).

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677

Note that the Have your say in your way to help shape our community has been extended to 31 July 2023.

Social justice means something different to everyone. During March – June 2023, Georges River Council is hosting four separate Your Say opportunities and corresponding launch events. Each Your Say opportunity will highlight one of the four Principles of the Social Justice Charter, including Participation, Equity, Respect, and Empowerment. The first opportunity focused on participation – it was released in March 2023 and is still available for contributions here.

This is the second of the four opportunities. It focuses on the principle of equity. Council aims to champion equity for all in our community by ensuring that everyone has fair and balanced access to opportunities, resources, information, facilities and services. Let us know ways we can champion equity for you and others you know in our community:

  • Why is equity in community life important to you?
  • What barriers exist for you and your community in accessing and using public spaces, Council venues, services and programs? (eg physical, financial, digital, language, or safety barriers)
  • How can Council communicate information and opportunities to participate more effectively?
  • How can Council make it easier for you to learn about, access, and get involved in events, services and programs?

You can contribute your thoughts and suggestions via the Message Board at the bottom of this page.

Or if you would like to get creative and find new ways to make contributions to the Message Board that feel authentic and true to you, we will be hosting two special events – one at GRYFest which celebrates Youth Week and one at Hurstville Library which celebrates the Seniors in our community.

There will be staff on hand at each event to help with how to use Your Say and opportunities to learn about Council’s Youth Advisory Committee (at GRYFest) and Council's new Seniors Advisory Committee (at Hurstville Library).

Event Details and Registration

Have your say in your way at GRYFest

Come down to Penshurst Park Sporting Hub to celebrate Youth Week and to learn how you can participate in shaping our community.

Take the opportunity to express your thoughts and ideas in your own unique way. Don’t feel limited by traditional methods of providing feedback – get creative and find new ways to express yourself. As part of Council’s Social Justice Charter launch, Council will be hosting a stall at GRYFest with activities such as vox pops and badge making to help you have your say in a way that feels authentic and true to you.

Whether you’re a student, an artist, a migrant, or just passionate about making a difference, this is your chance to bring attention to the important issues that matter to you.

Meet some of the members of Council’s Youth Advisory Committee and learn how you can get involved. Contribute your suggestions to Council’s Your Say platform to tell us how you think we can build a better future for Georges River.

Where: Penshurst Park Sporting Hub

When: 3pm-6pm, Friday 21 April

Cost: Free, bookings essential

Calling all Seniors - Have your say in your way to help shape our community

Come down to Hurstville Library to enjoy a lovely lunch and learn how you can participate in shaping our community.

Learn about Council’s new Seniors Advisory Committee and how you can get involved. Meet new friends and learn about some of the Seniors Programs that Council supports throughout the LGA.

Discover Hurstville Library’s Media Lab and Sound Booth and learn how you can use these free resources to help you express your thoughts and ideas in your own unique way. There’ll be staff on hand to help you record your thoughts and suggestions via video or sound recordings and contribute them to Council’s online Your Say platform.

Whether you’re an artist, grandparent, volunteer, migrant or just passionate about making a difference, this is your chance to bring attention to the important issues that matter to you. Get creative and find new ways to express yourself that feel authentic and true to you.

Where: Hurstville Library, 12-22 Dora St, Hurstville

When: 12pm-2pm, Thursday 27 April

Cost: Free (Lunch provided).

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677

Message Board

We want to hear from you:

  • Why is equity in community life important to you?
  • What barriers exist for you and your community in accessing and using public spaces, Council venues, services and programs? (eg physical, financial, digital, language, or safety barriers)
  • How can Council communicate information and opportunities to participate more effectively?
  • How can Council make it easier for you to learn about, access, and get involved in events, services and programs?

You can contribute your thoughts and suggestions via this Message Board.

Note: All contributions to this message board will be moderated. Any contributions that may be interpreted as offensive or discriminatory will be removed. Council does not endorse or promote any views shared on this message board. 

You can contribute your ideas, thoughts or experiences and/or share photos, but please do not include names and addresses for privacy reasons. You can also record yourself on video to share your contributions. 

Council will collect these contributions and use them to help inform the development of the Action Plan for the Social Justice Charter. 

Any file upload shouldn't be more than 5MB ideally (although the upper limit is 200 MB). The larger the file, the longer the upload time. There is no character limit.

Thank you for participating and sharing your ideas, thoughts and experiences on our Social Justice principles. 

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share Advanced Diversity Services Feedback on Facebook Share Advanced Diversity Services Feedback on Twitter Share Advanced Diversity Services Feedback on Linkedin Email Advanced Diversity Services Feedback link

    Advanced Diversity Services Feedback

    over 1 year ago
    • Increased awareness of available venues and the charges and processes involved

    • Migrants often don’t have income for first few years so making things in kind or low cost is important

    • Lengthy applications are not accessible for community orgs and individuals

    • Option to fill out applications verbally would be helpful, especially for those not very literate.

    • Many people don’t know what local Councils do - need easy to understand education and and resources

  • Share Remove accessibility barriers by providing local branches of public/council facilities - service hubs, libraries on Facebook Share Remove accessibility barriers by providing local branches of public/council facilities - service hubs, libraries on Twitter Share Remove accessibility barriers by providing local branches of public/council facilities - service hubs, libraries on Linkedin Email Remove accessibility barriers by providing local branches of public/council facilities - service hubs, libraries link

    Remove accessibility barriers by providing local branches of public/council facilities - service hubs, libraries

    by LWH, over 1 year ago

    For many people living in the Georges River region, there are currently accessibility barriers to participation and access to council facilities, public spaces and libraries due to these being limited to a few city centre locations. Factors causing these access/accessibility problems include physical mobility, time constraints, transport access/travel connections, cost, etc.

    Having branch hubs (combined council service counter facilities/resource access points/libraries/public spaces, etc.) located in the local suburbs of these residents would improve access and participation for these communities and strengthen the broader council network reach.

  • Share Equity on Facebook Share Equity on Twitter Share Equity on Linkedin Email Equity link


    by odeo1, over 1 year ago
    I work Monday to Friday and hence cannot attend any events as they are when I work.
  • Share Seniors Equity Workshop - Group 2 on Facebook Share Seniors Equity Workshop - Group 2 on Twitter Share Seniors Equity Workshop - Group 2 on Linkedin Email Seniors Equity Workshop - Group 2 link

    Seniors Equity Workshop - Group 2

    almost 2 years ago


    • Everyone is entitled to access all Council services
    • Everyone wants a 'fair go'
    • Equal opportunity to receive equal information regarding Council activities


    • Applications for space (languages)
    • Access to the digital world
    • Most retain analogue pathways to access information
    • More direct contact with Council staff and Councillors

    Council Communication:

    • Language re applications for grants and venues
    • Easier methods of applying for leases and rents

    Council Help:

    • More venues needed
    • More liaison officers
    • More pages in The Leader, What's On, DA's, Mayors Report
  • Share Equity Workshop - Group 1 on Facebook Share Equity Workshop - Group 1 on Twitter Share Equity Workshop - Group 1 on Linkedin Email Equity Workshop - Group 1 link

    Equity Workshop - Group 1

    almost 2 years ago
  • Share Social bicycling riding on Facebook Share Social bicycling riding on Twitter Share Social bicycling riding on Linkedin Email Social bicycling riding link

    Social bicycling riding

    by St George BUG, almost 2 years ago
    I would like to join a group of social cyclists. I often groups out cycling or having coffee, but I don't know how to contact them. Can Council please list social (not racing) cycling groups in the area so people who cycle alone can join them.
  • Share If there's a chance, it's worth the effort on Facebook Share If there's a chance, it's worth the effort on Twitter Share If there's a chance, it's worth the effort on Linkedin Email If there's a chance, it's worth the effort link

    If there's a chance, it's worth the effort

    by GRYFester, almost 2 years ago
  • Share Young people on Facebook Share Young people on Twitter Share Young people on Linkedin Email Young people link

    Young people

    by JenT, almost 2 years ago
    More people might give their opinions if the form didn't require so many levels of details.

    Young people need free spaces that are easily accessible by public transport.

    The GRY fest is in a strange location where public transport isn't a super viable way to get there. More events that look at incidental encounters would broaden your reach (outside stations, shopping centres, where people already are)

    Social media campaigns have to utilise the platforms and formats that young people respond to, i E Instagram reels and video content. Building communities on Facebook becoming redundant as most young people don't use... Continue reading