Have your say in your way during Reconciliation Week

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Consultation has concluded

Note that the Have Your Say in your way Reconciliation Week has been extended to 31 July 2023.

Social justice means something different to everyone. During March - June 2023, Georges River Council is hosting four separate Your Say opportunities and corresponding launch events. Each Your Say opportunity will highlight one of the four Principles of the Social Justice Charter, including Participation, Equity, Respect, and Empowerment.

The first opportunity focused on participation - it was released in March 2023 and is still available for contributions. You can also still contribute to the April 2023 opportunity that focused on equity.

During May 2023, we are focusing on the principle of respect. Council is committed to creating a culture of respect for all people regardless of their ability, social and cultural background, education, gender, socio-economic status, sexuality or age. Let us know ways we can create, foster and support respectful initiatives, events, and relationships in our community:

  • Why is respect important to you and your community? 
  • Can you suggest ways in which Council can ensure that everyone feels like they belong and are treated with respect in the Georges River area?
  • How can Council promote and support cultural safety and awareness in our community?
  • How can Council support people to feel safe, valued and free to express themselves and their identity in the Georges River area?

You can contribute your thoughts and suggestions via the Message Board at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to get creative and find new ways to make contributions to the Message Board that feel authentic and true to you, you can talk to us in person at a special event at Hurstville Library during Reconciliation Week.

Event Details and Registration

Have your say in your way during Reconciliation Week

Come down to the Hurstville Library to connect with others through collaborative weaving and learn how you can participate in shaping our community.  Join Muruwarri artist, Virginia Keft, for an interactive weaving and yarning circle that supports cultural connection and builds understanding through collaboration.

Learn about Council’s new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee and our Social Justice Charter campaign.

Where: Hurstville Library, 12-22 Dora St, Hurstville

When: Monday 29 May, 2.00pm- 4.00pm

Cost: Free, bookings essential

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677

Note that the Have Your Say in your way Reconciliation Week has been extended to 31 July 2023.

Social justice means something different to everyone. During March - June 2023, Georges River Council is hosting four separate Your Say opportunities and corresponding launch events. Each Your Say opportunity will highlight one of the four Principles of the Social Justice Charter, including Participation, Equity, Respect, and Empowerment.

The first opportunity focused on participation - it was released in March 2023 and is still available for contributions. You can also still contribute to the April 2023 opportunity that focused on equity.

During May 2023, we are focusing on the principle of respect. Council is committed to creating a culture of respect for all people regardless of their ability, social and cultural background, education, gender, socio-economic status, sexuality or age. Let us know ways we can create, foster and support respectful initiatives, events, and relationships in our community:

  • Why is respect important to you and your community? 
  • Can you suggest ways in which Council can ensure that everyone feels like they belong and are treated with respect in the Georges River area?
  • How can Council promote and support cultural safety and awareness in our community?
  • How can Council support people to feel safe, valued and free to express themselves and their identity in the Georges River area?

You can contribute your thoughts and suggestions via the Message Board at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to get creative and find new ways to make contributions to the Message Board that feel authentic and true to you, you can talk to us in person at a special event at Hurstville Library during Reconciliation Week.

Event Details and Registration

Have your say in your way during Reconciliation Week

Come down to the Hurstville Library to connect with others through collaborative weaving and learn how you can participate in shaping our community.  Join Muruwarri artist, Virginia Keft, for an interactive weaving and yarning circle that supports cultural connection and builds understanding through collaboration.

Learn about Council’s new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee and our Social Justice Charter campaign.

Where: Hurstville Library, 12-22 Dora St, Hurstville

When: Monday 29 May, 2.00pm- 4.00pm

Cost: Free, bookings essential

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677

Message Board

Let us know ways we can create, foster and support respectful initiatives, events, and relationships in our community: 

  • Why is respect important to you and your community?  
  • Can you suggest ways in which Council can ensure that everyone feels like they belong and is treated with dignity in the Georges River area? 
  • How can Council promote and support cultural safety and awareness in our community? 
  • How can Council support people to feel safe, valued and free to express themselves and their identity in the Georges River area? 

You can contribute your thoughts and suggestions via this Message Board.

Note: All contributions to this message board will be moderated. Any contributions that may be interpreted as offensive or discriminatory will be removed. Council does not endorse or promote any views shared on this message board.

You can contribute your ideas, thoughts or experiences and/or share photos, but please do not include names and addresses for privacy reasons. You can also record yourself on video to share your contributions. 

Council will collect these contributions and use them to help inform the development of the Action Plan for the Social Justice Charter. 

Any file upload shouldn't be more than 5MB ideally (although the upper limit is 200 MB). The larger the file, the longer the upload time. There is no character limit.

Thank you for participating and sharing your ideas, thoughts and experiences on our Social Justice principles.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Respect Workshop - Group 3

    almost 2 years ago
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    Respect Workshop - Group 2

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    Respect Workshop - Group 1

    almost 2 years ago