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Jubilee Stadium Precinct Community Survey 2024

Take 5-10 minutes to complete this survey to help inform us what improvements you would like to see included in the Master Plan and Plan of Management for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct.


What age bracket are you in? (Select one)

Maximum 255 characters



Do you identify as a person with a disability?


What type of property do you currently live in? 


What is your connection to the Kogarah Park and Jubilee Stadium Precinct?  (Select all that apply)


How often do you visit any area of the Jubilee Stadium Precinct? (Select one) 


What future improvements would you like to see at the Jubilee Stadium Precinct? Please select your top three in no particular order.  


Are there any activities/events/facilities that should not be allowed within the Precinct? 


Would you like to be kept informed of the outcome of this project?

By ticking "Yes" and providing your details, you consent to Georges River Council sending you email updates concerning the Jubilee Stadium Precinct Masterplan and Plan of Management. You may unsubscribe at any time.