Preparation of a Master Plan and Plan of Management for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct

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March 2025 Update

A draft Master Plan and Plan of Management have now been prepared, informed by the community and stakeholder feedback received during the preliminary consultation.

A report on the draft Master Plan and Plan of Management will be considered by Council’s Environment and Planning (E&P) Committee on 10 March 2025. The Committee recommendation will then be considered by Council at its ordinary meeting on 24 March 2025.

A copy of the report is available in Council’s Business Papers on our Meeting of Council webpage:

Subject to Council’s endorsement, we will then seek formal approval from Crown Land to publicly exhibit the draft Plans. The review process by Crown Lands can take several months, so it is expected that public exhibition of the draft Plans will take place in late-2025.

November 2024 Update

Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts and feedback during our preliminary consultation. We received over 200 submissions and had the opportunity to listen and capture your ideas at our community drop-in sessions we hosted across June of this year.

Your feedback has been essential in guiding our planning and has been assembled in an engagement summary report. You can read this document and view the outcomes of our engagement by opening the report below:

Engagement Summary Report – Phase 1

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the feedback received during Phase 1 of the community and stakeholder engagement for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct Master Plan and Plan of Management.

We're currently preparing the Master Plan and Plan of Management informed by your feedback. We'll update this page when we are at the next stage of the project. This includes:

reporting back to Council on the draft Plans
seeking consent to exhibit and review from Crown Land
public Exhibition of the draft Plans

About the Project

The Jubilee Stadium Precinct comprises the area between Princes Highway, Jubilee Avenue, Park Street and English Street.

The Jubilee Stadium Precinct is located on a mix of Crown and Council-owned land. Under the Crown Land Management Act 2016, Council is required to have a Plan of Management (PoM) for the land. A PoM is a legal document that provides a clear set of guidelines for how community land will be used, improved upon and managed in the future.

Community feedback to inform a PoM for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct opened in December 2023. As part of this process, it became clear that a Master Plan is also needed to guide the future of the Precinct. A Master Plan is an overarching and conceptual spatial layout (diagram) used to guide the development of land.

Council has engaged consultants GHD to carry out consultation and prepare a Master Plan and Plan of Management (PoM) for the Precinct.

This preliminary feedback will help shape the draft Plans, which will be placed on public exhibition at a later stage.

The Precinct

The Precinct is made up of open spaces and facilities, including Jubilee Stadium, Kogarah Park, playground, community buildings occupied by Kogarah Community Services, and Nan Tien Buddhist Temple, war memorial and the Legend’s Walk.

Fig: Jubilee Stadium Precinct location

Fig. Jubilee Stadium Precinct facilities

How to be involved

Preliminary consultation has now concluded. Further consultation will be invited when the draft Master Plan and Plan of Management are placed on exhibition at a later stage. You can read the outcomes of our engagement here: Preparation of a Plan of Management and Master Plan for Jubilee Stadium Precinct Engagement Summary Report – Phase 1

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677

March 2025 Update

A draft Master Plan and Plan of Management have now been prepared, informed by the community and stakeholder feedback received during the preliminary consultation.

A report on the draft Master Plan and Plan of Management will be considered by Council’s Environment and Planning (E&P) Committee on 10 March 2025. The Committee recommendation will then be considered by Council at its ordinary meeting on 24 March 2025.

A copy of the report is available in Council’s Business Papers on our Meeting of Council webpage:

Subject to Council’s endorsement, we will then seek formal approval from Crown Land to publicly exhibit the draft Plans. The review process by Crown Lands can take several months, so it is expected that public exhibition of the draft Plans will take place in late-2025.

November 2024 Update

Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts and feedback during our preliminary consultation. We received over 200 submissions and had the opportunity to listen and capture your ideas at our community drop-in sessions we hosted across June of this year.

Your feedback has been essential in guiding our planning and has been assembled in an engagement summary report. You can read this document and view the outcomes of our engagement by opening the report below:

Engagement Summary Report – Phase 1

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the feedback received during Phase 1 of the community and stakeholder engagement for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct Master Plan and Plan of Management.

We're currently preparing the Master Plan and Plan of Management informed by your feedback. We'll update this page when we are at the next stage of the project. This includes:

reporting back to Council on the draft Plans
seeking consent to exhibit and review from Crown Land
public Exhibition of the draft Plans

About the Project

The Jubilee Stadium Precinct comprises the area between Princes Highway, Jubilee Avenue, Park Street and English Street.

The Jubilee Stadium Precinct is located on a mix of Crown and Council-owned land. Under the Crown Land Management Act 2016, Council is required to have a Plan of Management (PoM) for the land. A PoM is a legal document that provides a clear set of guidelines for how community land will be used, improved upon and managed in the future.

Community feedback to inform a PoM for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct opened in December 2023. As part of this process, it became clear that a Master Plan is also needed to guide the future of the Precinct. A Master Plan is an overarching and conceptual spatial layout (diagram) used to guide the development of land.

Council has engaged consultants GHD to carry out consultation and prepare a Master Plan and Plan of Management (PoM) for the Precinct.

This preliminary feedback will help shape the draft Plans, which will be placed on public exhibition at a later stage.

The Precinct

The Precinct is made up of open spaces and facilities, including Jubilee Stadium, Kogarah Park, playground, community buildings occupied by Kogarah Community Services, and Nan Tien Buddhist Temple, war memorial and the Legend’s Walk.

Fig: Jubilee Stadium Precinct location

Fig. Jubilee Stadium Precinct facilities

How to be involved

Preliminary consultation has now concluded. Further consultation will be invited when the draft Master Plan and Plan of Management are placed on exhibition at a later stage. You can read the outcomes of our engagement here: Preparation of a Plan of Management and Master Plan for Jubilee Stadium Precinct Engagement Summary Report – Phase 1

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Take 5-10 minutes to complete this survey to help inform us what improvements you would like to see included in the Master Plan and Plan of Management for the Jubilee Stadium Precinct.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey has concluded.  

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Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 11:19 AM