Biodiversity Study for Georges River LGA

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Consultation has concluded

Status update: The project has now been finalised and the full Biodiversity Study has been received by Council at its meeting dated 28 June 2021. The Study can be viewed on Council’s website. A quick summary is provided in the Information Sheet.

Information Webinar

Update: Thank you for participating in our information webinar. The presentation recording and transcript of all Questions and Answers can be found in the Document Library.

Council is committed to keeping the community informed throughout this process. An online webinar will be held to present an overview of the technical work that has been completed by this Study along with the complementary Foreshore Scenic Character Study.

The webinar will include two presentations by our technical consultants (Total Earth Care and Ethos Urban) and there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions of the project team and presenters.

Date: Tuesday 3 August 2021

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Project Overview

Georges River Council has partnered with Total Earth Care to undertake a Biodiversity Study of the entire Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). The Biodiversity Study will provide an encompassing assessment of the current biodiversity values across the entire LGA. This study aims to identify areas of high biodiversity value and importance to the LGA to ensure its protection.

We thank you for your contribution to date in sharing your knowledge and experience of biodiversity in your neighbourhood through the questionnaire and pinning your observations.

Your input will contribute to the results of the Biodiversity Study and help guide our field survey which includes the assessment of native plant communities and their condition, assessment of fauna habitat and targeted surveys for threatened plants and animals.

A webinar for key stakeholders and community groups engaged on the project was conducted on the 26th November at 6pm. The webinar provides an overview on the project and will enable discussions by key groups. This has been recorded and is available for viewing.

Ecologists from Total Earth Care have completed field surveys around the LGA.

The Biodiversity Study is now being finalised.

Consultation concluded

Thank you for giving us your input by pinning your observations on the biodiversity map and filling in the questionnaire. We have loved hearing from you about areas that you think are important to support our native plants and animals, any plant or animal sightings of importance and other comments or suggestions.

Status update: The project has now been finalised and the full Biodiversity Study has been received by Council at its meeting dated 28 June 2021. The Study can be viewed on Council’s website. A quick summary is provided in the Information Sheet.

Information Webinar

Update: Thank you for participating in our information webinar. The presentation recording and transcript of all Questions and Answers can be found in the Document Library.

Council is committed to keeping the community informed throughout this process. An online webinar will be held to present an overview of the technical work that has been completed by this Study along with the complementary Foreshore Scenic Character Study.

The webinar will include two presentations by our technical consultants (Total Earth Care and Ethos Urban) and there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions of the project team and presenters.

Date: Tuesday 3 August 2021

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Project Overview

Georges River Council has partnered with Total Earth Care to undertake a Biodiversity Study of the entire Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). The Biodiversity Study will provide an encompassing assessment of the current biodiversity values across the entire LGA. This study aims to identify areas of high biodiversity value and importance to the LGA to ensure its protection.

We thank you for your contribution to date in sharing your knowledge and experience of biodiversity in your neighbourhood through the questionnaire and pinning your observations.

Your input will contribute to the results of the Biodiversity Study and help guide our field survey which includes the assessment of native plant communities and their condition, assessment of fauna habitat and targeted surveys for threatened plants and animals.

A webinar for key stakeholders and community groups engaged on the project was conducted on the 26th November at 6pm. The webinar provides an overview on the project and will enable discussions by key groups. This has been recorded and is available for viewing.

Ecologists from Total Earth Care have completed field surveys around the LGA.

The Biodiversity Study is now being finalised.

Consultation concluded

Thank you for giving us your input by pinning your observations on the biodiversity map and filling in the questionnaire. We have loved hearing from you about areas that you think are important to support our native plants and animals, any plant or animal sightings of importance and other comments or suggestions.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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