Mortdale Centre Master Plan - Exhibition of Two Options
Consultation has concluded
This consultation has now concluded. The adopted Master Plan is available under the 'Adopted Master Plan documents' link on this page.
Latest Update - Council Resolution - 23 October 2023
The recommendation of the Environment and Planning (E&P) Committee on the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan was considered at Council’s Ordinary meeting on Monday 23 October 2023.
Council resolved:
(a) That Council note the submissions received during the public exhibition of the two draft Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan options.
(b) That Council adopt the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan Option 1A as exhibited with the following amendments in response to submissions received:
a. Amend the heights along Victoria Avenue to be 13m / 4 storeys.
b. Provide additional clarification on dedicated cycleways.
c. State that the proposed Martin Place road closure can be trialled with a temporary closure to test traffic impacts and use before any permanent changes are implemented.
(c) That Council prepare a Planning Proposal, amendment to the Georges River Development Control Plan 2021, and amendment to the Georges River Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 to implement the Mortdale Local Centre Revised Master Plan Option 1A (Post Exhibition Version), subject to a successful budget bid in the 2024/25 financial year.
(d) That Council write to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment requesting the adopted Mortdale Local Centre Revised Master Plan Option 1A (Post Exhibition Version) be endorsed as a strategic study.
(e) That all persons who made a submission be advised of Council’s decision on this matter.
(f) That the General Manager hold a workshop with the Councillors to identify the key parking, traffic and road networks issues that would be considered in a future traffic study of the Mortdale Centre and the surrounding road network.
(g) That Council endorse including design excellence principles and controls in the DCP for the Mortdale Centre to ensure building design complements the village atmosphere.
Update - Environment and Planning Committee Meeting - 9 October 2023
A report on the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan - Exhibition of Two Options was presented to Council’s Environment and Planning (E&P) Committee meeting on Monday 9 October 2023.
A copy of the report and minutes are available under Council’s Business Papers at
The Committee recommended:
- That Council note the submissions received during the public exhibition of the two draft Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan options.
- That Council adopt the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan Option 2A as exhibited with the following amendments in response to submissions received to maintain the village character, ensure a lower building scale in the Centre and increase housing diversity:
- Rezoning of the street block bound by Newman Street, Cook Street, Victoria Avenue and Cook Lane from R2 Low Density Residential to R3 Medium Density Residential with a height of 9m / 2.5 storeys and floor space ratio of 0.7:1 with associated public domain improvements.
- Provide additional clarification on dedicated cycleways.
- State that the proposed Martin Place road closure can be trialled with a temporary closure to test traffic impacts and use before any permanent changes are implemented.
- That Council prepare a Planning Proposal, amendment to the Georges River Development Control Plan 2021, and amendment to the Georges River Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 to implement the Mortdale Local Centre Revised Master Plan Option 2A (Post Exhibition Version), subject to a successful budget bid in the 2024/25 financial year.
- That Council write to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment requesting the adopted Mortdale Local Centre Revised Master Plan Option 2A (Post Exhibition Version) be endorsed as a strategic study.
- That all persons who made a submission be advised of Council’s decision on this matter.
- That the General Manager hold a workshop with the Councillors to identify the key parking, traffic and road networks issues that would be considered in a future traffic study of the Mortdale Centre and the surrounding road network.
- That Council endorse including design excellence principles and controls in the DCP for the Mortdale Centre to ensure building design complements the village atmosphere.
The recommendation of the Committee will be considered at Council’s Ordinary meeting on Monday 23 October 2023.
Mortdale is identified as one of eight local centres in the Georges River Council Local Strategic Planning Statement 2040 (LSPS).
To guide future development in Mortdale over the next 20 years, a draft Master Plan was prepared in early 2021. The community provided input to the Master Plan during its preparation.
We heard that the community love the current ‘village feel’ of Mortdale, but would like to see more parking, seating, and greenery in and around the Centre. We also heard the community’s concerns about increased traffic, and a preference for low or medium density development as opposed to high rise like Hurstville or Kogarah.
The draft Master Plan was exhibited from July–September 2021.
A report on the outcomes of the exhibition of the draft master plan was considered at a Council meeting held on 26 September 2022. A copy of the report is available on Council's website.
At that meeting, Council resolved (in summary):
- Not to proceed with the exhibited draft Mortdale Master Plan.
- To prepare two revised Master Plan options for exhibition for 60 days (see Council Minutes for further detail).
- To prepare a Traffic, Transport and Parking Study for both options prior to exhibition.
- To update the draft Public Domain Upgrade Works for both options prior to exhibition.
- Not to proceed with a draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme in the Mortdale Local Centre at this stage and to investigate a scheme that applies across the whole LGA.
A copy of the minutes is available on Council's website.
Current Exhibition - Two Revised Options
We are now inviting input to two draft Mortdale Master Plan options. The options are based on the detailed Council resolution for the Mortdale Master Plan in September 2022.
The two options will be on exhibition from Wednesday 10 May to Sunday 9 July 2023. The final agreed Master Plan may encompass elements of both options and will aim to provide for future employment opportunities and new housing to support growth and a vibrant local centre.
The options aim to:
- increase business floor space and employment opportunities;
- increase residential choice;
- improve the public space network, including road closure plazas, town square, new park, library and community hub; and
- improve the public domain, including active transport upgrades, potential through site links, laneway upgrades and road closure plazas.
Each Option contains an updated Public Domain Plan and is supported by a separate Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment.
How can you be involved?
To provide feedback or comments on the two revised Master Plan options, we encourage you to:
![]() | Attend a workshop to get more information and have the opportunity to discuss and give your views. Register via the link below. You only need to attend one of the sessions, however registration is essential (each workshop will have the same content). |
![]() | Find out more by reading the draft Master Plan options, the accompanying information sheets and FAQs available in the right tool bar (or below if you are on mobile). |
![]() | One-on-one meetings are also available to discuss the two options and your particular property. Booking is essential via the Individual Meeting Booking Form below. |
![]() | Make a submission using the form below or sending us a hard copy. |
If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF23/1869 Public Submission - Mortdale Centre Master Plan at the beginning of your submission and return:
![]() | In person to Georges River Council Civic Centre or Libraries |
![]() | Via email: |
![]() | Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481 |
Next Steps
At the end of the exhibition, all submissions will be reviewed and a report will be prepared and presented to the elected Council. The Councillors will decide on the next steps for the Master Plan.
Workshop 1 | Workshop 2 | Workshop 3 |
Thursday 25 May 2023 | Thursday 25 May 2023 | Thursday 8 June 2023 |
In Person Workshop | In Person Workshop | Online Workshop |
Time: 11.00am - 1.00pm | Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm | Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm |
Location: Mortdale RSL, 25 Macquarie Place, Mortdale | Location: Mortdale RSL, 25 Macquarie Place, Mortdale | Location: Zoom (online) |