Draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Resourcing Strategy
Consultation has concluded
At the Council Meeting held on Monday, 28 June 2021 Council unanimously adopted the 2018/19 – 2021/22 Delivery Program 2021/22 Operational Plan and the Updated Resourcing Strategy.
The Operational Plan is a detailed plan which provides information on Council’s key services, projects, programs and budget for the next financial year, the final year of our Delivery Program. It also includes a full list of all scheduled capital works and all proposed fees and charges. The Resourcing Strategy has also been updated to reflect the content of the 2021/22 Operational Plan.
Please take some time to review the documents and provide Council with your comments to assist in planning for the next twelve months.
You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:
Please reference: Vicki McKinley
- Online – see the submission form
- Email: mail@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au
- In writing to the General Manager, Georges River Council, PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481
Following the exhibition period and the receipt of public comments, this matter will be reported back to Council including submissions for final adoption.
We value your feedback and appreciate any input you may have.
Closing date and time for submissions is 5:00pm, Thursday 27 May 2021.