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Please provide your feedback and suggestions here

We would love to receive: 

  • your feedback on the draft focus areas for Georges River Council's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy; and 
  • your suggestions for actions or initiatives that should be prioritised in the Strategy's Action Plan.

Maximum 255 characters


The 'Learn' focus area aims to promote cultural awareness - Learning, supporting, and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Do you agree that this should be a focus area for the Strategy?
The 'Empower' focus area aims to create opportunities and recognises self-determination - Creating meaningful opportunities to enhance the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The 'Recognise and Respect' focus area aims to promote visibility of culture - Recognising and respecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their continuing connection to culture through wayfinding and creative placemaking
The 'Include' focus area aims to support understanding and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.