Thanks for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback!
Which option(s) best describe you (tick all that apply):
Do you identify as a person from a culturally or linguistically diverse background?
Georges River Council is a proud culturally diverse community. How would you rate the area's multicultural environment before March 2022?
How would you rate the area's multicultural environment since the launch of the 'Better Together' campaign (March 2022)?
Please select what your feedback relates to:
Please provide your feedback for Better Together here.
Have you been the victim of racism in the Georges River area?
Have you witnessed someone else experience racism in the Georges River area?
Where did you see or experience racism?
If you experienced or witnessed racism in the area, did you...
If you feel comfortable, please share details of where the incident occurred, what happened, and when.
What kinds of events or programs would you like Georges River Council to provide to help end racism?
In your opinion, what could Georges River Council do to help end racism?
Maximum 255 characters
What is your age?
If you don't live in the Georges River LGA, please share your home postcode or country of residence.
What is your name? (optional)
Phone (optional)
Email (optional)
Are you interested in participating in future community consultations surrounding this campaign?