- Not to proceed with the exhibited draft Mortdale Master Plan
- To prepare two revised Master Plan options for exhibition for 60 days
- To prepare a Traffic, Transport and Parking Study for both options prior to exhibition
- To update the draft Public Domain Upgrade Works for both options prior to exhibition
- Not to proceed with a draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme in the Mortdale Local Centre at this stage and to investigate a scheme that applies across the whole LGA.
- 2032 with background growth only (i.e. on the basis the Master Plan is not implemented)
- 2032 with Master Plan development
- Morts Road / Cook Street
- Morts Road / Victoria Avenue
- Morts Road / Newman Street.
- Visit: https://yoursay.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/mortdale-centre-master-plan
- Attend a workshop (registration is essential). Register via the link on the Your Say page to attend one of the in person or online workshops.
- Thursday 25 May 2023 - 11.00 am – 1.00 pm (Mortdale RSL, 25 Macquarie Place, Mortdale)
- Thursday 25 May 2023 - 6:00pm – 8:00pm (Mortdale RSL, 25 Macquarie Place, Mortdale)
- Thursday 8 June 2023 - 6:00pm – 8:00pm (Online via Zoom)
- Read the physical copy of the two options and supporting material at one of the below locations:
- Georges River Civic Centre - Corner MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville
- Hurstville Library
- Clive James (Kogarah) Library and Service Centre
- Penshurst Branch Library
- Book a one-on-one meeting to discuss the two options and your property. Booking is essential via the Individual Meeting Booking Form on the Your Say page.
- If you wish to make a submission on the two options, you can via:
- Online: https://yoursay.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/mortdale-centre-master-plan
- Email: mail@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au
- In writing to: The General Manager, Georges River Council, PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481
- Please quote SF23/1869 in your submission
- Any submissions received are considered public, however, a person may request to have their personal details suppressed. If you make a submission and have made political donations or gifts, a political donations and gifts disclosure statement must be completed.
- Call Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9330 6211
- Join one of our Workshops (register via the link on the Your Say page)
- Book a one-on-one meeting via the Individual Meeting Booking Form on the Your Say page.
What happened to the Master Plan exhibited from July to September 2021?
On Monday 26 September 2022, Council considered the submissions received during the exhibition and resolved not to proceed with the exhibited Master Plan, and to prepare two revised Master Plan options based on the Council resolution.
What did Council resolve regarding the Master Plan previously exhibited in 2021?
On Monday 26 September 2022, Council considered a report on the exhibition of the draft Master Plan and resolved (in summary):
A copy of the report is available on Council's website here https://infoweb.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/grinfocouncil/Open/2022/09/CCL_26092022_AGN_AT.PDF (External link)
The Council Minutes are available here https://infoweb.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/grinfocouncil/Open/2022/09/CCL_26092022_MIN.PDF
What is a master plan?
A master plan is a long-term planning document that sets the vision for an area and helps coordinate Council, community, developer and government objectives. A master plan is supported by financial, economic and social research and provides a coordinated strategy for the delivery of new buildings, infrastructure, land use and public space. A master plan does not define the specifics of developments or future proposals but guides these proposals in the context of other work that will need to occur in the future.
Why is Council preparing a master plan for Mortdale?
There is currently no overarching plan to guide the Mortdale Local Centre into the future. A master plan will assist Council in managing growth and future development in the Mortdale Local Centre and improve the amenity of the centre with enhanced built environment and public domain. A master plan will provide a whole of centre analysis of new housing and employment opportunities to support a vibrant local centre and will provide consistency in decision making. To support this growth and new development, the master plan investigates infrastructure and traffic improvements.
When will the master plan be finalised? When will it come into effect?
Following exhibition of the two options, a report will be provided back to Council to consider submissions and community feedback and determine the next steps.
A master plan sets the long-term vision for an area, but it does not alter planning controls in Council’s planning legislation (i.e. the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (GRLEP) 2021) which developments must comply with). Following Council adoption of a master plan, a separate process called a Planning Proposal is required to amend the GRLEP. This Planning Proposal process includes further consultation with property owners impacted by changes in zoning, building height and floor space ratio. The amendment to the GRLEP will also be supported by an amendment to the Georges River Development Control Plan (GRDCP) 2021 which provides detailed guidelines for the design and assessment of proposed developments.
What do the master plans propose?
Both options propose gradual growth that reinforces and supports the existing structure of Mortdale.
Option 1A proposes capacity for about 578 additional dwellings, in a combination of shop top housing, high-density apartments and townhouses, while Option 2A proposes capacity for about 270 additional dwellings, in shop-top housing only. Both options provide for an increase in commercial space for a total of 27,685m2 gross floor area.
Both options also propose a full road closure of Martin Place close to Morts Road. A shared zone will be created outside Mortdale Train Station on Cook Lane, with a posted speed limit of 10km/h.
The two options both provide possible ways of delivering new housing in the area, near public transport and essential services. Responding to the increase in density, both options also set a vision to improve the public space network through public spaces and facilities for the community, including local road upgrades, road closure plazas, town square, new park, library and community hub.
For more detail on what the two options offer, refer to the Information Sheets.
What will the maximum building heights be?
Both options provide for a 4-storey height along Morts Road with a 2-storey street wall height.
For sites near the railway station, Option 1A allows heights of up to 6-storeys with a 2-4 storey street wall height, whereas Option 2A provides for a maximum of 4-storeys with a 2-storey street wall height north of the train line. Both the options allow heights of 6-storeys with a 4-storey street wall height in the E1 Local Centre zone south of the rail line.
The proposed heights have been recommended to limit overshadowing and traffic impacts from any new development. The master plan will help deliver new facilities which will better support increasing density in the area, making it more liveable for everyone.
It should be noted that there are currently no maximum building heights in the E1 Local Centre zone along Morts Road and Pitt Street, and the heights are limited by the floor space ratio (the amount of building on a site, sometimes referred to as density).
A comparison of the two Options showing the maximum heights is provided below.
Option 1A
Option 2A
What are the traffic impacts of the two Master Plan options?
A Traffic and Transport Assessment has been undertaken by SCT Consulting. Traffic modelling was undertaken for key intersections through the Mortdale Local Centre to understand the existing network performance and to test the impacts of the Master Plan options. The performance of the intersections was tested for the following modelling scenarios:
The results of the traffic modelling indicates that implementation of the Master Plan and the associated development has minimal impact on traffic compared to if the Master Plan was not implemented and expected growth occurred through to 2032.
Both options were found to have a negligible impact on the existing transport network in and around Mortdale Local Centre, and overall, the impacts of both options on the transport network are forecast to be acceptable, with improvements to the pedestrian environment, which could lead to increased pedestrians through commercial activity and longer stays.
Both options propose a road closure and revitalised urban design of Martin Place which is expected to have positive impacts for pedestrians and cyclists. The existing zebra crossings will continue to provide pedestrian priority over vehicles.
Traffic growth is expected from proposed residential and commercial uplift. During each peak road network period (Weekday AM peak hour 8am-9am and Weekday PM peak hour 5:45pm-6:45pm), Option 1A is estimated to have about 831 additional vehicle trips and Option 2A is estimated to have about 722 additional vehicle trips.
Both options would result in the following intersections performing at capacity in 2032:
Some intersections are forecast to operate at or near capacity with or without the Master Plan development. However, no road or intersection upgrades, such as widening, signalisation or roundabouts, are recommended as it would negatively impact pedestrian movement, urban amenity and lead to a poorer outcome for the Local Centre. The existing road network provides the best connectivity for pedestrians, which improves foot traffic for local businesses and contributes to the sense of liveliness of the Local Centre.
For more detail, refer to the Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment for each option.
What is happening to the Cook Street car park site?
Both options propose to include the Cook Street car park in the expansion of the E1 Local Centre zone. Any future redevelopment of Council sites would be required to provide public parking within a new development. Consideration is also to be given to providing future public open space on the site if parking is offset in another development within the Mortdale Local Centre.
My property has been identified for rezoning, increased height and/or floor space ratio, what does this mean?
Uptake of this development will depend on market forces and no one will be forced to redevelop or sell their land.
The Master Plan proposes some changes in zoning and other planning controls that will help facilitate future growth and improvements in public domain, access and accessibility in the area.
While a master plan sets the long-term vision for an area, it does not alter planning controls in Council’s planning legislation (i.e. the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (GRLEP) 2021) which developments must comply with). A separate process called a Planning Proposal is required to amend the GRLEP. This includes further consultation with property owners impacted by changes in zoning, building height and floor space ratio.
Changes to zoning and building height will allow additional jobs and housing in the areas within 400m of Mortdale Train Station.
Will properties be acquired for the Master Plan to be realised?
The Master Plan is a visionary document to guide and facilitate gradual growth over the long term. It will show where development is possible. No properties will be acquired and no one will be forced to redevelop or sell their land.
How will you avoid the area becoming the same as Hurstville or Kogarah?
The two options being considered for the Mortdale Master Plan provide for a modest increase in development over the long term. The extent of development is far less and of lower height scale than is typical in Hurstville or Kogarah.
Hurstville and Kogarah are what is termed “strategic centres” (regionally significant commercial centres) within the Georges River local government area, whereas Mortdale is a “local centre”, so development will be vastly different and of lower scale.
The below figure shows a comparison of the current and proposed building heights in Mortdale compared to typical heights in Hurstville or Kogarah North.
Will the new developments look the same as the examples in the information sheets/ other information provided by consultants?
The images in the documents are examples of what development could look like, based on similar densities in Sydney, however future development is likely to differ in style and appearance.
What is the happening with the Mortdale RSL site? Is the RSL development on hold until this is finalised?
The two options make recommendations for future planning controls for the RSL site in the context of future vision for Mortdale Centre. Both options propose that 19-25 Macquarie Place be rezoned from R4 High Density Residential to E1 Local Centre. The Mortdale RSL Planning Proposal was a landowner led Proposal to rezone and increase the height and floor space ratio of the site. The Planning Proposal was considered to be lacking strategic and site specific merit and was refused by the Sydney South Planning Panel.
Further information about the proposal for this site is available on Council’s website.
Why is a potential library/community hub included in the two Master Plan options?
Council’s Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy 2019 – 2036 provides high-level direction for community centres, libraries, open space, sport and recreation facilities, athletics and aquatic facilities in the Georges River area.
The Strategy indicates the potential for a library/community hub in the western side of the Georges River LGA and Mortdale Centre is being considered as a suitable location in the context of this strategy. A copy of the Strategy is available on Council’s website.
Please tell me where car parking areas will be located in the proposed revised Mortdale plans, especially commuter car parking area/s near to the station?
No changes to existing off-street parking facilities are proposed in the master plan, however part of the master plan identifies the potential to repurpose space occupied by car parking into spaces for the community, such as outdoor dining and a potential library. Any displaced parking spaces will be relocated elsewhere or replaced as part of future redevelopment.
What is the FSR for Option 1A and Option 2A including the difference between commercial and residential?
The current and proposed FSR changes are summarised in the Information Sheets on the Your Say Page.
When will the Morts Rd upgrade be completed?
Stage 1 of the Mortdale Town Centre Streetscape Upgrade Project is progressing towards completion in August 2023. The extent of work within Stage 1 is identified in red on the attached plan.
How do I find out more information or leave feedback on the two options?
Council is offering several different ways to view information and leave feedback about the two options. To find out more and have your say:
What happens next and how will Council decide on an approach moving forward?
Following exhibition of the two options, a report will be provided to the Council who will determine the next steps. Council will consider the submissions and the strategic needs of Mortdale and will make a decision on the future approach. The Final Master Plan will be subject to a Council resolution.
Who can I contact if I have further questions?
If you have any questions about the Master Plan options, please: