Draft Sans Souci Park Plan of Management and Master Plan
Consultation has concluded
At its meeting held on 22 May 2023, Georges River Council resolved to adopt the Sans Souci Park Plan of Management and Master Plan.
For further information and to view the Plan of Management and Masterplan, please visit Council’s website at: website https://www.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/Environment/Parks-and-Reserves/Plans-of-Management
Thank you to everybody who contributed to this project.
Georges River Council (Council) is in the final stages of preparing a Master Plan and Plan of Management for Sans Souci Park.
The Sans Souci Park Plan of Management will guide the future management of Sans Souci Park and the Master Plan illustrates how the land will be developed for the benefit of the community.
Council is inviting users, the community, and stakeholders to offer views on the draft Sans Souci Plan of Management and Master Plan.
Sans Souci Park

Community Input and Involvement
In accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Strategy, the design and planning for Sans Souci Park has been carried out in partnership with the local community. It is important that San Souci’s recreational users, neighbours, stakeholders and the wider community have a role in preparing the Plan of Management and Master Plan. This is to ensure the area’s use and management is consistent with the local community’s values, needs, desires and ideas.
A summary of the process Council has followed in preparing the Plan of Management and Master Plan is outlined in the figure below. This diagram illustrates the community engagement process and highlights the tasks completed to date (green), and upcoming steps (red).
An online survey and a visioning workshop were undertaken to obtain an understanding of the wider communities’ views, uses and values of Sans Souci Park. Survey responses and feedback from the visioning workshop, along with targeted stakeholder meetings revealed key themes, concerns and aspirations of the community and stakeholders.
Key themes and areas of importance recognised through analysis of responses guided the development of the following 8 design principles:
- Provide equitable access along the foreshore and to beach areas,
- Preserve existing trees and vegetation,
- Celebrate historical, cultural, and ecological value of the park,
- Improved links and safety between car parking and the park,
- Improve and maintain current facilities and amenities for future uses,
- Improved wharf access and sense of arrival to the park,
- Improved sense of place, and
- Improved sitewide visual and physical connectivity
These design principles guided the preparation of the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan.
How to get involved?
Council is seeking final comments from the community on the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan.
Opportunities for involvement in this final stage of consultation includes:
- Attending our drop-in session at Sans Souci Park – on 12 November 2022 from11:00am to 1:00pm (weather permitting)
- You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:
![]() | Completing our online feedback form. Click here or use the links below to submit your online feedback |
![]() | Returning a hard copy submission. |
If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote Sans Souci Park Plan of Management and Master Plan, Public Exhibition - SF22/5806 and return:
![]() | In person to Georges River Council Civic Centre or Libraries |
![]() | Via email: mail@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au |
![]() | Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481 |
Your views will contribute to the finalisation of the Plan of Management and Master Plan.
Exhibition Closes 30 November 2022 with submissions received until 14 December 2022.
Any submissions received are considered public, however, a person may request to have their personal details suppressed. For more information about Council’s Privacy Management Plan, contact the Public Officer on 9330 6400. If you make a submission and have made political donations or gifts, a statement must be completed.
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For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:
- Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
- TTY number: 133 677