Re-establish Georges River Council’s Alcohol Free Zone
Consultation has concluded
Georges River Council is seeking submissions about the proposal of re-establishing the Alcohol Free Zones (AFZ) throughout the Georges River local government area. Please see the proposed areas and view the corresponding maps, listed in documents.
Under the provisions of Section 644 of the Local Government Act 1993 Council has the power to create Alcohol Free Zones along public roads and in public car parks.
The proposed Alcohol Free Zones are in operation 24 hours a day and prohibits the consumption of alcohol at any time within these zones. The Alcohol Free Zones will not restrict outdoor dining licences where council approval has been granted.
Please take some time to review the documents and provide Council with your comments to the re-establishment of the AFZ for the next 4 years. The six AFZ are bounded by the streets as follows:
Kogarah CBD AFZ
- Gray Street (Corner Princes Highway and Railway Parade)
- Railway Parade (Corner Gray Street and Gladstone Street)
- Gladstone Street (Corner Railway Parade and Princes Highway)
- Princes Highway (Corner Gray Street and Gladstone Street).
Hurstville CBD AFZ
- Ormonde Parade (Between Greenbank St and Railway Pde, Including Greenbank St and Butler Rd)
- Forest Road (between Queens Rd and Durham St, including Diment Way and Forest Road Bus interchange)
- Queens Road (between Forest Road and Dora Street)
- Dora Street (between Queens Road and MacMahon Street)
- Barratt Street (between MacMahon Street and Woodville Street)
- Crofts Avenue (between Woodville Street and Cross Street)
- Cross St (between Crofts Avenue and Park Road)
- Humphreys Lane (between Cross Street and Park Road).
Riverwood Town Centre AFZ
- Belmore Road (between Josephine St, corner of Shenstone Rd and Belmore Rd)
- Short Road (between Belmore Rd and Keppel Ave)
- Keppel Avenue (between Short Rd and Webb St)
- Webb Street (between Belmore Rd and Keppel Ave, including the Webb St Car Park)
Oatley Shopping Centre AFZ
- Letitia St (between Neville St and Wonoona Pde East)
- Frederick St (between Letitia St and Oatley Pde)
- Frederick Lane (including the public car park)
- Oatley Ave (between Frederick St and corner of Hurstville Rd)
- Oatley Parade (between Frederick Street and River Road).
Penshurst Shopping Centre AFZ
- Penshurst Street (between Bridge Street and Victoria Avenue).
- The Strand (corner of Laycock Rd and Railway Pde and corner of Bridge St and The Strand)
Mortdale Shopping Centre AFZ
- Morts Rd (between Kemp St and Pitt St)
You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:

If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF22/4094 Council's Alcohol Free Zones at the beginning of your submission and return:
In person to Georges River Council Civic Centre or Libraries
Via email:
Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481
Following the exhibition period and the receipt of public comments, this matter will be reported back to Council including submissions for final adoption.
We value your feedback and appreciate any input you may have.
Closing date and time for submissions is 5:00pm, Wednesday August 24.