Public Exhibition: Hurstville Civic Precinct Planning Proposal and Development Control Plan
Consultation has concluded
The Planning Proposal for the Hurstville Civic Precinct was gazetted on 27 October 2023 as Amendment No. 6 to the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (GRLEP) 2021.
A copy of the gazettal notice is available to view.
Amendment No. 3 to the Georges River Development Control Plan (GRDCP) 2021 (previously named Amendment No. 2), which includes built form and design provisions to guide the future redevelopment of the existing Hurstville Civic Precinct, became effective on 27 October 2023.
A copy of Amendment No. 3 to the GRDCP 2021 is available on the Development Control Plans page.
Update - Council Resolution - 26 June 2023
At its meeting on 26 June 2023, Council considered the Planning Proposal and draft amendment to the Development Control Plan for the Hurstville Civic Precinct.
Council resolved to adopt the proposed amendment to the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (GRLEP) 2021 with amendments to the exhibited proposal to clarify in the local provision how the minimum and maximum provisions for floorspace attributed to particular uses and public open space are intended to be calculated in relation to the entire Hurstville Civic Precinct.
At this meeting, Council also resolved to approve Amendment No. 2 to the Georges River Development Control Plan (GRDCP) 2021. Amendment No. 2 includes built form and design provisions to guide the future redevelopment of the existing Hurstville Civic Precinct for a mixed use civic, cultural, commercial and residential destination on the site in accordance with the Planning Proposal. The amendment inserts site specific provisions in Part 10 - Precincts of the GRDCP and makes a number of consequential changes to various sections of the GRDCP.
Council adopted the draft DCP Amendment No. 2 with amendments to the exhibited draft DCP to require the protection of the remembrance plaque on the former Hurstville Baptist Church, and for the Car Parking Study and Traffic Impact Assessment to address multimodal transport impact assessment and the identification of active transport links to existing school travel paths.
The amended Planning Proposal has been forwarded to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) for gazettal.
Amendment No. 2 to the GRDCP will become effective when the Planning Proposal is finalised and the amendment to the GRLEP is gazetted.
A copy of the Report and Minutes are available to view.
Public Hearing
Council is proposing to reclassify 4-6 Dora Street, Hurstville from Community Land to Operational Land pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993. This is to enable its redevelopment as part of the Hurstville Civic Precinct for a mixed use civic, cultural, commercial and residential destination.
A public hearing will be held on Thursday, 30 March 2023 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Council offices (corner MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville). The hearing will be chaired by an independent person who will consider all written and verbal submissions and prepare a report for Council.
To attend the public hearing, RSVP by Thursday, 23 March 2023 by calling Council’s Strategic Planning section on 9330 6400 or registering via Your Say (see below).
Written submissions may be sent by post to Council or via Your Say (see below).
Any submissions received are considered public, however, a person may request to have their personal details suppressed. If you make a submission and have made political donations or gifts, a statement must be completed.
RSVP and submissions close Thursday, 23 March 2023.
A copy of the public hearing report is available to view.
Community Consultation
Council is exhibiting a Planning Proposal (PP2016/0002) in relation to land located at the Hurstville Civic Precinct site, bound by MacMahon Street, Park Road, Queens Road and Dora Street (including 4-6 Dora Street, Hurstville).
The Planning Proposal is to enable the future redevelopment of the existing Hurstville Civic Precinct for a mixed use civic, cultural, commercial and residential destination.
Indicative Site Layout Plan – Hurstville Civic Precinct
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021 (GRLEP 2021) by:
- Rezoning the site from part B4 Mixed Use under the GRLEP 2021 and part 3(b) (City Centre Business Zone) under the Hurstville Local Environmental Plan (HLEP) 1994 to B4 Mixed Use.
- Increasing the height from 15m, 30m and 55m to 20m, 30m and 60m.
- Increasing the floor space ratio (FSR) from 3:1, 4:1 and 6:1 to 3:1, 5:1 and 7:1.
- Reclassifying 4-6 Dora Street from community to operational land to allow for its future development.
- Retaining the heritage item (Hurstville City Museum & Gallery) by including it on the heritage map and within Schedule 5 (Environmental heritage).
- Introducing a local provision to allow community facilities and public benefits on the site, including a minimum floor area for community uses and minimum sunlight to the Civic Plaza.
As the Planning Proposal relates to Council owned land, Georges River Council is not the Local Plan-Making Authority (the authority for making amendments to the GRLEP).
Planning Proposal
A Planning Proposal is a document that explains the intended effect of a request to change Council's planning legislation (i.e. Local Environmental Plan) and sets out the justification for making that plan. It may include a rezoning request or a request to amend the development standards, such as height of building and floor space ratio. Planning Proposals can be requested by either Council, a landowner or developer.
Appendix A DWP Concept Design Report
The Concept Design Report contains a Master Plan for the Hurstville Civic Precinct which sets out a vision and framework for its future development.
Appendix B Draft DCP Amendment
The draft Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed guidelines for the design and assessment of future development of the Hurstville Civic Precinct. A DCP supports the planning controls in the Local Environmental Plan. See below for more information on the draft DCP amendment.
Appendix C Hurstville Civic Precinct Public Domain Plan
The Public Domain Plan illustrates the desired outcomes for the public domain of the future Hurstville Civic Precinct. The public domain is the space that is publicly accessible for the whole community, such as plazas, parks, streets and community facilities.
Appendix D Hurstville Civic Precinct Amenities and Facilities Strategy
The Amenities and Facilities Strategy provides guidance to support the delivery of community facilities in the Hurstville Civic Precinct. This may include uses such as administrative and civic offices; multipurpose auditorium, library, museum, art gallery, community centre, associated uses such as cafés; a range of recreation, relaxation or study areas; and any other use that Council may consider appropriate to meet the needs of the community.
Appendix E Transport Impact Assessment
The Traffic Impact Assessment reviews the transport and traffic impact of the proposed Hurstville Civic Precinct on the site and surrounding road network.
Appendix F Conservation Management Plan
The Conservation Management Plan (CMP) is for the local heritage item on the Hurstville Civic Precinct site (i.e. Hurstville Museum & Gallery at 14 MacMahon Street, Hurstville). The CMP guides the future conservation, management and interpretation of the significance of the site.
State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) are planning legislation that are controls for development that apply across NSW. Planning Proposals are required to consider their compliance with applicable SEPPs.
Appendix I Table of Section 9.1 Directions
Ministerial Directions under Section 9.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 are planning requirements issued by the Minister for Planning. Planning Proposals are required to consider their compliance with applicable Directions.
Appendix J Community Consultation Outcomes (JBA 2016)
The Community Consultation Outcomes report provides a summary of the outcomes of the community consultation conducted on behalf of the former Hurstville City Council to inform the Concept Design Report for the Hurstville Civic Precinct.
The mapping amendments identify the existing and proposed maps in the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (GRLEP) 2021 resulting from the Planning Proposal. The following maps in the GRLEP are proposed to be amended – land application, land zoning, floor space ratio, height of buildings, heritage, and additional permitted uses.
Appendix L Executed Deed of Release (Redacted) for 4-6 Dora Street
In 2017, Council acquired 4-6 Dora Street, Hurstville to be redeveloped as part of the Hurstville Civic Precinct. The sites are currently subject to commercial leases.
Appendix M Land Titles for 4-6 Dora Street
Appendix N Lease Agreements (Redacted) for 4-6 Dora Street
Appendix O Responses from Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, and Sydney Airport
In accordance with the Gateway Determination conditions for the Planning Proposal, Council was required to consult with Sydney Airport and the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts prior to community consultation.
Development Control Plan
A Development Control Plan (“DCP”) provides planning and design guidelines for the design and assessment of proposed developments to support the planning controls in the LEP.
A DCP must be considered when carrying out development on any land to which the DCP applies.
An amendment to the Georges River DCP 2021 has been prepared to reflect detailed urban design considerations for the future development of the subject site to accompany the Planning Proposal.
This amendment has been prepared as Amendment No. 2 of the Georges River DCP 2021 and will be inserted into Part 10 - Precincts as Section 10.3 Hurstville Civic Precinct.
How to be involved
The Planning Proposal, DCP amendment and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition from 18 January to 17 February 2023 under the document sections on the right side of this page.
Community feedback is essential in helping guide us in our decision-making process. Your feedback will influence the choices we make when developing our plans and ensure we are on the right path to achieving and managing our community's overall vision. If you would like to provide feedback or comments on the Planning Proposal and/or DCP amendment, we encourage you to:
![]() | Complete our online feedback form. Use the links below to submit your online feedback, or |
![]() | Return a hard copy submission. |
If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF22/7319 Public Submission - Hurstville Civic Precinct Planning Proposal at the beginning of your submission and return:
![]() | In person to Georges River Council Civic Centre or Libraries |
![]() | Via email: |
![]() | Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481 |
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