Olds Park, Penshurst - Amendment to Master Plan
At its meeting held on 26 February 2024, Georges River Council resolved to adopt the Olds Park Master Plan.
For further information and to view the Master Plan, please visit Council’s website.
Olds Park is a large and popular sporting hub for the Penshurst and wider area. It offers fields and facilities for cricket, AFL and soccer as well as hard and grassed netball courts, and is also a venue for Little Athletics. The Park is also an attractive and well-used green space for casual leisure and recreation with two picnic areas and play spaces, a skate park, public toilets, and a perimeter shared path with fitness stations. The Olds Park Sports Club and the Penshurst Branch of the Hurstville Library are also located within the park.
In June 2020, Council adopted a Master Plan for Olds Park, Penshurst following consultation with the community, which included on-site information and feedback kiosks, enabling the community to provide feedback on the draft Master Plan.
The objective of the Master Plan for Olds Park is to:
- Provide guidance and direction for future Park upgrades;
- Enhance the recreation opportunities on offer for a range of Park users;
- Improve the area’s landscape and presentation; and
- Ensure the Park is accessible and appealing to all members of the community.
Amendment to the Master Plan
In 2023, Council secured grant funding to redevelop the existing sports pavilion and public toilets in the Park’s south-eastern corner for “an innovative and inclusive premium sporting facility for community use”.
The buildings will be demolished and replaced, in the same general area, with an improved sports/community facility. The proposed facility will be built into the slope to the south-east of the main oval.
The existing sports amenities building/pavilion is proposed to be demolished and replaced by a new sports/community facility offering:
- four full-size universally inclusive changerooms;
- a large clubroom to service all tenant clubs and serve as a community space;
- a large canteen and storage area;
- a covered spectator area;
- terraced seating for spectators and improved oval access from the new building;
- fully accessible public toilets and amenities, and
- an enlarged and reconfigured car park.
As these proposed improvements go beyond the works permitted under the current Olds Park Master Plan, amendments to this existing Master Plan are required. The proposed amendments to the Master Plan will reflect the planned facility upgrades, and related works, to permit these improvements to occur.
The Olds Park Master Plan is on public exhibition from 25 October 2023 to 24 November 2023.
The closing date for submissions is 24 November 2023.
How to be involved
Community feedback is essential in helping guide us in our decision-making process. Your feedback will influence the choices we make when developing our plans and ensure we are on the right path to achieving and managing our community's overall vision. To provide feedback or comments on the proposed amendments to the Olds Park Master Plan, we encourage you to:
![]() | Complete our online feedback form. Use the links below to submit your online feedback, or |
![]() | Return a hard copy submission. |
If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF23/5419 Submission - Olds Park Master Plan Amendment at the beginning of your submission and return:
![]() | In person to Georges River Council Civic Centre or Libraries |
![]() | Via email: mail@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au |
![]() | Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481 |
Next steps
All comments received will be used to inform the finalisation of the Amended Master Plan.
At the end of the exhibition period all submissions will be reviewed, and a report will be prepared for Council seeking to adopt an Amended Master Plan
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