The Night Manifesto seeks to unify the voices of businesses, community groups, artists and musicians, and younger generationsthat recognisethe Night’s current condition butputs forward a vision of what we hope the Night can become.
We invite you to share a story that expresses why you value the Night.
We are Sydney’s Connected Community.
We value the Night.
The Night is where we express ourselves, where we play, dance, sing, connect and create.
The Night nurtures culture and cares for our community.
We want the Night to be safe.
Freedom follows safety.
An active Night is safe.
A connected Night is safe.
An inclusive Night is safe.
We want the Night to be locally authentic.
The Night is not contained.
We want to experience time together instead of transit.
We want our village centres to celebrate and reflect our diversity, passions, and interests.
We want the Night to be bold and creative.
We need to change perceptions of what is possible.
We need to be bold with our partnerships and work collaboratively to create a thriving ecosystem.
People bridge the hours between day and night.
The Night does not need your sympathy, it needs your support.
We are Sydney’s Connected Community.
What about night markets or farmers markets, more local sports events, stand-up comedy.
8 months ago
Ask the artists they're the creatives. Music free live music council supported, free live art workshops, sport games
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