The Public Hearing that was to be held on 1 April 2020 is now been deferred until further notice.
Unfortunately based on advice from both the Federal government and NSW Health in relation to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, this event has been cancelled.
Council has immediately cancelled all scheduled community events and community engagement activities. You can view the full media release dated 18 March 2020 here
Georges River Council, in conjunction with Gondwana Consulting is exhibiting a Draft Plan of Management and Masterplan for Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve.
The Plan of Management provides a clear set of guidelinesContinue reading
The Public Hearing that was to be held on 1 April 2020 is now been deferred until further notice.
Unfortunately based on advice from both the Federal government and NSW Health in relation to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, this event has been cancelled.
Council has immediately cancelled all scheduled community events and community engagement activities. You can view the full media release dated 18 March 2020 here
Georges River Council, in conjunction with Gondwana Consulting is exhibiting a Draft Plan of Management and Masterplan for Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve.
The Plan of Management provides a clear set of guidelines for the short and long term management of Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve. It outlines how the area will be used, improved and managed in the future and identifies goals and objectives for the land, establishing the overall direction for planning, management and maintenance.
The draft Plan of Management was on public exhibition from 22 January until 4 March 2020, with feedback received until close of business on Wednesday 4 March 2020.
Categorisation under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Crown Lands Management Act 2016
Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve are currently managed under the dual categories of ‘Sportsground’ and ‘Park’ within a Generic Plan of Management for Sportsgrounds adopted in 2006. When the amendments to the Crown Land Management Act came into effect on 1 July 2018, Council was required to categorise all Crown lands managed by Council. In the case of the Crown Reserve at Hurstville Oval Council provided advice to the Crown that this area be categorised as Park. This advice effectively superseded the categorisation in the Generic Plan of Management for Sportsgrounds.
It is proposed under this Plan of Management that Hurstville Oval and supporting built structures, as well as the site of the proposed new pavilion, be categorised and managed as ‘Sportsground’ and the remaining areas of the site be categorised and managed as ‘Park’.
In this Plan of Management dual categorisation will apply to the Crown Land parcel (Lot 1 DP919317). All of Hurstville Oval and associated current and proposed build structures will be managed in accord with the core objectives of ‘Sportsground’, whilst remaining areas of the park will be managed in accord with the core objectives of ‘Park’.
The ‘Park’ category has been applied to the area of park and associated parkland facilities such as playgrounds, seating and amenities - the area categorised as ‘Park’ can be readily identified and is visually and functionally distinct from Hurstville Oval. Park areas and facilities will be maintained to a high standard and use of the areas will naturally continue to overlap with Hurstville Oval and the area categorised as Sportsground.
The spatial extent of the proposed categorisation of land for Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve is shown in the Figure below.

Figure 1 - Land Categorisation as per the LG Act – Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve.
The Table below compares both the categorisation of community land under the existing Generic Plan of Management for Sportsgrounds (2006) and Council’s advice to the Crown regarding categorisation of Crown Land in 2018 with the categorisations proposed in this Plan of Management. Where there is a change in the proposed categorisation between Plans and the categorisation advice Council supplied the Crown in 2018, the LG Act requires that a council must hold a public hearing in relation to a proposed plan of management (including a plan of management that affects lands within an existing plan of management) if the proposed plan would have the effect of categorising, or altering the categorisation of, community land.
Such a public hearing is typically held during the public exhibition of the relevant Draft Plan of Management and provides the community with the opportunity to make formal comment on the categorisations proposed within the proposed Draft Plan of Management.

The Public Hearing will be held on 1 April 2020 at Georges River Council Service Centre, corner of MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville.
To attend please RSVP to Ms Catherine McMahon on (02) 9330 6260 or by email by Friday 27 March 2020.
A Masterplan provides the broad management direction and layout intended for the future use and development of an open space area. As resources are identified to implement specific elements of the Masterplan, each element will be subject to a detailed design process and approval process and involve community consultation where appropriate and as Council’s planning approvals require.
The Masterplan proposes the construction of a new double storey community pavilion at one of two possible sites:
Option 1 - on the eastern side of Hurstville Oval (corner of Gordon and Patrick Streets), or
Option 2 – to the west of and adjoining the Booth Saunders Pavilion