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Chivers Hill Shops is located in Lugarno along Forest Road. Established across 1958-1959, the shopping precinct includes cafes, eateries, a local grocer, a newsagency and chemist.
We are currently undertaking a feasibility study to assess the possibility of providing public amenities at Chivers Hill Shops.
A feasibility study is an evaluation that checks if a proposed project is possible and likely to work.
For public amenities at Chivers Hill Shops, the study will look at things like community needs, costs, and how the project can be built.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during our consultation period. Our team will review the results and provide an update shortly.
How to be involved
This consultation on Chiver's Hill Shops is open from Monday 25 November and will close Friday 13 December 2024. You can provide your feedback by:
Completing our online feedback form
Downloading and completing our hard copy survey
If you are returning a hard copy submission, pleas return it:
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Chivers Hill Shops is located in Lugarno along Forest Road. Established across 1958-1959, the shopping precinct includes cafes, eateries, a local grocer, a newsagency and chemist.
We are currently undertaking a feasibility study to assess the possibility of providing public amenities at Chivers Hill Shops.
A feasibility study is an evaluation that checks if a proposed project is possible and likely to work.
For public amenities at Chivers Hill Shops, the study will look at things like community needs, costs, and how the project can be built.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during our consultation period. Our team will review the results and provide an update shortly.
How to be involved
This consultation on Chiver's Hill Shops is open from Monday 25 November and will close Friday 13 December 2024. You can provide your feedback by:
Completing our online feedback form
Downloading and completing our hard copy survey
If you are returning a hard copy submission, pleas return it:
To help us with the feasibility study, please complete our short survey to let us know if you would use public amenities at Chivers Hill Shops and what you would like to see included.
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