The Vision for the Beverly Hills Town Centre
Consultation has concluded
UPDATE 28/08/2024
An amended draft Master Plan for the Beverly Hills Local Centre is currently being prepared by consultants as per the principles and elements identified in the Council resolution of 24 April 2023.
To inform the amended draft master plan, the project requires important research and evidence-based studies including updated population yields and an updated hazard analysis associated with the Moomba to Sydney high pressure gas pipeline, which will have impacts on future development.
Further, in October 2023, Council adopted the Overland Flow Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for Hurstville, Mortdale and Peakhurst wards. The study has significant implications for the subject area and given the flood risks within the Beverly Hills Local Centre, advice on flood assessment and risk management was sought from the Department of Environment and Heritage (EHG) and State Emergency Services (SES). In their response, the EHG outlined a suggested approach for flood flooding assessment and risk management for the master planning sites which included the preparation of a Flood Impact Risk Assessment (FIRA). The SES also recommended Council consider the impact of flooding on the proposed densities and pedestrian areas.
Council considered a status report on the Master Plan at its meeting held 27 May 2024 and was advised of the flooding issue and its impacts on the Master Plan. To prepare the FIRA, Council engaged external consultants. The report was received in July 2024 and is currently under review by staff. Discussions are underway with SES, EHG, Council staff and consultant to address the flooding risk.
A further Council report will be tabled to Council, likely in early 2025, to address issues raised in these studies and their implications.
Public exhibition of the draft Beverly Hills Master Plan is expected to occur in the first half of 2025.
UPDATE 17/05/2023
A Report on the draft Master Plan for Beverly Hills was considered at the Council meeting held on 24 April 2023.
At that meeting, Council resolved (in summary) to:
- Not proceed with the exhibited Master Plan for the Beverly Hills Local Centre.
- Note the submissions on the previously exhibited Beverly Hills Local Centre Master Plan.
- Endorse certain principles and elements to guide the preparation of the Master Plan for Beverly Hills Local Centre
- Prepare and exhibit an amended Traffic, Transport and Parking Study.
- Prepare and exhibit an amended Public Domain Plan.
- Prepare a draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme for the Beverly Hills Town Centre Master Plan.
- Undertake further risk modelling in regard to the Moomba to Sydney High Pressure Gas Pipeline.
- Endorse the Beverly Hills Town Centre Master Plan for public exhibition for 60 days.
- Conduct in person community consultation during the exhibition period, including the provision of one-on-one telephone and meeting services.
- Prepare and submit a report to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period recommending a preferred approach for the Beverly Hills Town Centre.
- Note that a budget of over $200,000 is required to action this resolution.
- Endorse consideration of a housing investigation area in the next review of the Local Strategic Planning Statement, undertaken in 2025, in the area bound by B2 zoned land, Cahill St, Morgan St and Stoney Creek Road.
For further information, please refer to the Minutes.
UPDATE 5/12/2022
A Report on the draft Master Plan for Beverly Hills was considered at the Council meeting held on Monday 28 November 2022.
At that meeting, Council resolved (in summary):
- That the consideration of the draft Master Plan for Beverly Hills be deferred to a workshop of all Councillors so that they can seek further clarification and express their opinions regarding all matters contained in this report.
- To re-affirm its previous resolutions that any further Master Plan for the Beverly Hills Centre must not incorporate any form of compulsory acquisition of private property
- That the Green corridor and Public Link proposed in Option 3 of the report are not incorporated in a future Master Plan for the Centre.
For further information, please refer to the Minutes.
UPDATE 10/11/2022
At its meeting on the 31 October 2022, Council resolved that in the finalisation of the draft Beverly Hills Master Plan there will be no compulsory land acquisition and the Master Plan for Beverly Hills will only proceed on this basis.
A report on the draft master plan will be considered at the Environment and Planning Committee (E & P) meeting to be held on Monday 14 November 2022 at 7:30pm.
The report details alternative options that were developed and workshopped with Councillors on 6 June 2022. The report will recommend the preferred option to amend the draft Master Plan.
Georges River Council is seeking your feedback on the draft Beverly Hills Town Centre Masterplan
The first step towards revitalising this important local centre was hearing the vision of the local residents, business owners, landowners and other important stakeholders. In late 2018, Council commenced the first phase of the Beverly Hills Masterplan and worked with these groups to identify the opportunities and constraints of the centre, and sought feedback on what was valued about Beverly Hills now and what could be seen in the future.
Council has since commenced the second phase of the project, and a draft Masterplan for the centre is being prepared based on the vision for the town centre developed in phase one. Council has completed detailed studies of the area including: economic, demographic, traffic and parking studies. A number of different options were tested with key stakeholders and in workshops with the community. The draft masterplan has been selected, refined further and is now being exhibited for feedback from the community.
The draft Master Plan seeks to revitalise Beverly Hills Town Centre, encourage urban renewal, improve the amenity and quality of the built environment and public domain as well as provide new housing and employment opportunities to support economic revitalisation.
The draft Masterplan establishes 5 concepts for the town centre:
![]() | Renewing ‘The Strip’ (King Georges Road B2 – Local Centre zoned land), by encouraging mixed use development and shop top housing, including an expansion of the B2 zone and the creation of a new ‘East Street’. |
![]() | New opportunities for people to live close to public transport and services with the introduction of medium to high density residential redevelopment. |
![]() | A New Civic Square for Beverly Hills on the corner of King Georges Road and Frederick Street, including a plaza space that is integrated with a community facility. |
![]() | New and improved connections to get from place to place including creation of ‘East Street’ and the widening of ‘West Lane’. |
![]() | New and improved pocket parks including a new neighbourhood park on the corner of Norfolk Avenue and Lee Avenue. |
The draft Masterplan outlines implementation options including amendments to planning controls, bonus development incentives, land dedication and land acquisition for the delivery of new public infrastructure.
How can you be involved?
Council seeks to continue to work with the community and other important stakeholders to ensure that the draft Masterplan will meet the needs and expectations of local residents, business owners, landowners and other important stakeholders before it is finalised.
If you would like to provide feedback or comments, we encourage you to:
![]() | Find out more by reading the factsheet and FAQs and the proposal, including a copy of the full plans in our document library, which are available in the right tool bar (or below if you are on mobile). |
![]() | Tell us what you think by completing an online submission using the form below or sending us a hard copy submission. |
If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF20/1846 Public Submission - Beverly Hills Town Centre at the beginning of your submission and return:
![]() | In person to Georges River Council Civic Centre or Libraries |
![]() | Via email: |
![]() | Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481 |
Next Steps
Once the draft masterplan has been exhibited, all submissions will be reviewed and final changes will be made to the plan. After which the final plan will be presented to the Councillors, who will formally consider the final masterplan for adoption.