Active Inclusion and Upstander Training Workshop for Community Sport Clubs

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Consultation has concluded

Georges River Council is partnering with Welcoming Clubs to host a free active inclusion workshop open to all community sports clubs of Georges River.

This interactive workshop will provide practical strategies and tools for your club that can be easily implemented to promote welcome, inclusion and belonging and increase club membership and participation.

Participants will gain practical tools to actively welcome and include all community members, irrespective of background. The workshop will also empower the club community to respond to and prevent discrimination and racism.

The workshop's goal is to create a sports community that mirrors the diversity of the broader Georges River community, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Learning outcomes:

  • Explore personal experiences and how they impact our interactions with others.
  • Develop inclusive practice skills to create safe and welcoming community spaces.
  • Recognise the influence of knowledge, skills, attitudes, policies and behaviours on the experience of others.
  • Understand the impacts of discrimination on individuals, the club, and community well-being.
  • Learn the four upstander actions and how they operate to promote safety and inclusion.
  • Acquire practical steps that can be easily implemented into club activities to welcome and include all members of the community.

Topics covered:

Privilege, bias, culture, language, communication, inclusive practice, intersectionality, discrimination, micro-aggressions, reporting tools, values-based messaging, accountability systems.

Attending a workshop:

If you are interested in attending, please submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) in the survey below. Based on interest, Council may host multiple sessions and will be in touch with those who submitted an EOI with further details.

Workshop details:

Who: All club volunteers, club committee members, junior coaches & managers, club members and parents.

Cost: Free for Georges River sporting clubs.

Duration: Two hours, face-to-face.

Place & Date: To be confirmed once EOIs close.

How to be involved

Community feedback is essential in helping guide us in our decision-making process. Your feedback will influence the choices we make when developing our plans and ensure we are on the right path to achieving and managing our community's overall vision. If you would like to provide feedback or comments on the Policy, we encourage you to:

Complete our online EOI form, or

If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF24/1785 Public Submission - Active Inclusion and Upstander Training Workshop for Community Clubs at the beginning of your submission and return:

Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677

Georges River Council is partnering with Welcoming Clubs to host a free active inclusion workshop open to all community sports clubs of Georges River.

This interactive workshop will provide practical strategies and tools for your club that can be easily implemented to promote welcome, inclusion and belonging and increase club membership and participation.

Participants will gain practical tools to actively welcome and include all community members, irrespective of background. The workshop will also empower the club community to respond to and prevent discrimination and racism.

The workshop's goal is to create a sports community that mirrors the diversity of the broader Georges River community, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Learning outcomes:

  • Explore personal experiences and how they impact our interactions with others.
  • Develop inclusive practice skills to create safe and welcoming community spaces.
  • Recognise the influence of knowledge, skills, attitudes, policies and behaviours on the experience of others.
  • Understand the impacts of discrimination on individuals, the club, and community well-being.
  • Learn the four upstander actions and how they operate to promote safety and inclusion.
  • Acquire practical steps that can be easily implemented into club activities to welcome and include all members of the community.

Topics covered:

Privilege, bias, culture, language, communication, inclusive practice, intersectionality, discrimination, micro-aggressions, reporting tools, values-based messaging, accountability systems.

Attending a workshop:

If you are interested in attending, please submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) in the survey below. Based on interest, Council may host multiple sessions and will be in touch with those who submitted an EOI with further details.

Workshop details:

Who: All club volunteers, club committee members, junior coaches & managers, club members and parents.

Cost: Free for Georges River sporting clubs.

Duration: Two hours, face-to-face.

Place & Date: To be confirmed once EOIs close.

How to be involved

Community feedback is essential in helping guide us in our decision-making process. Your feedback will influence the choices we make when developing our plans and ensure we are on the right path to achieving and managing our community's overall vision. If you would like to provide feedback or comments on the Policy, we encourage you to:

Complete our online EOI form, or

If you are returning a hard copy submission, please quote SF24/1785 Public Submission - Active Inclusion and Upstander Training Workshop for Community Clubs at the beginning of your submission and return:

Via post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481

Do you need assistance reading and accessing this page?

For a free interpreter call us via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service:

  • Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
  • TTY number: 133 677
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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